Pepper 1 - Original Image
Pepper 2 - Original Image
Here are the original images without it being edited in the style of Edward Weston. To create the shadows on this image I used lighting based a fair distance away as if it was too close the shadows would have been smaller than they are and also not as dark as I would have wanted. Also I wanted the lighting to create some different shapes when editing into black and white. Edward Weston's images of the peppers would have been extremely difficult to recreate as the peppers that are sold in supermarkets now are shaped perfectly with little or no imperfection which is completely opposite to the shapes of Weston's.
Pepper 1 - Edited
Pepper 2 - Edited Image
Here are my final images that I created after the editing process, this process I went through to get this final image was extremely simple but effective. The first thing I did was change the image to black and white so it was in the style of Weston and then changed the levels, hue and saturation until I felt happy that the image was starting to create shapes that wouldn't have been there in the first image I took. If I was going to try to replicate Weston's style I would try and use peppers that are a little more deformed and obscure so that I can get different shapes being created with the shadows.
Contact Sheets - Black And White
Contact Sheet - Colour
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